Jian Qin Presents at Science of Science Summer School, August 5, 2021

On August 5th, Jian Qin presented at the Science of Science Summer School (S4) webinar events. S4 is a Syracuse University collaborative initiative featuring a wide range of mentors and speakers. Dr. Jian Qin spoke on her presentation on Evaluating The Impact of Collaboration Enablers Through Metadata analytics.

This presentation talks about the theory development of the collaboration capacity framework through using the GenBank metadata as empirical evidence in the data-intensive biomedical research. Data production processes have rarely been included in quantitative study of science not only due to the difficulty in gathering evidence and wide variant data production methods and methods in different fields, but also due to its low status in scholarly publishing hierarchy. To evaluate how effectively these enablers support and foster research collaboration needs to take more than publication metadata into the metrics.

For more information on these and other related publications, visit the link below.